Mae Cerys Hafana yn gyfansoddwr ac aml-offerynnwr sy’n manglo a thrawsnewid cerddoriaeth draddodiadol. Mae ei cherddoriaeth yn chwarae efo posibiliadau unigryw’r delyn deires, gan gymryd ysbrydoliaeth o ddeunydd archifol a phrosesu electronig. Rhyddhawyd Edyf, ei hail albwm, yn 2022, a chafodd yr albwm ei ddewis fel un o ddeg albwm traddodiadol gorau’r flwyddyn gan y Guardian. Ym mis Ionawr 2023, cafodd Cerys hefyd ei chynnwys ar raglen ‘Uchafbwyntiau 2022’ Cerys Matthews ar BBC 6 Music.

£15 (£13)

As demonstrated on her new single Tragwyddoldeb, she’s an adept shapeshifter, entwining tradition with direct and personal interpretations to create music that’s both progressive, profound and inspiring.
Alex Gallacher
Cerys Hafana’s love for the triple harp is infectious… She easily won hearts and minds with her interpretations of traditional folk songs, and her own work. Cerys charmed us with her stories. Magical.
Focus Wales Highlights 2022, GOD IS IN THE TV
On her second album, Edyf (meaning “thread”) she uses her harp as a percussive, jagged-toothed tool… Hafana also sings movingly, her high voice like an indie-pop soprano shorn of its sweetness.

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