Fire At Sea (12A)
Gianfranco Rosi, Italy, France, 2016, 114’
Lampedusa, a small Italian island in the Mediterranean, is the first port of call for many African and Middle Eastern refugees hoping to make a new life in Europe. Rosi focusses on 12-year-old Samuele, as he explores the land and attempts to gain mastery of the sea. This breathtakingly naturalistic portrait of the Lampedusan people and the events that surround them is a lyrical, poetic and searingly powerful documentary / docudrama that casts neither judgement nor aspersions, simply showing the world to the viewer - to utterly devastating effect.
Mae dangosiadau y Gymdeithas Ffilm am ddim i Aelodau y Gymdeithas Ffilm!
Bydd aelodau ac aelodau cysylltiol hefyd yn derbyn disgownt sylweddol oddi ar brisiau dangosiadau arferol (heb fod yn ddangosiadau CFfThM) yn y Mwldan. e-bostiwch neu cliciwch yma i weld sut gallwch fwynhau mwy o ffilmiau am lai o arian!